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YSaturday, September 12, 2009' 8:17 AM

haha back to posting peeps(:
hahas, bet you miss the times we had tgt last time right?
Yeah me to.
Changed the blogskin le, hope it would be alright?
will try to book chalet for class gathering during the dec holidays.
Anybody can halp me find? hahas. I also nid one for my sec de mah.(:
Than, during class gathering, wan overnight? hahas! TON!!!



Th Class.

You have step into 6F's blog.
Please do show us some respect.

This blog belong to to 2008 batch but not 2009's.
Though we are seperated to different schools,
We are still United as one like a Family.


One : Leave a tag , With YOUR sweet name (:
Two : Link , If possible
Three : Dont spam , cause we already make enough noise !

Enjoy Your Stay peeps!(:
Any problems ,
Email to :
And we will not entertain any rubbish e-mails.

About 41 Students♥.Y

when we put on a show.

1.A. Sashwin
2.Angeline Fu
3.Arico Yao Qi Xian
4.Brendan Soh Zhan Bin
5.Chng Jone Hui
6.Claudia Tan Chuen Lyn
7.Eileen Lee Pei Shan
8.Enelton Satria
9.Fam Di Sheng
10.Hariharan S/O Mohan
11.Isfal Shahryn B Abdul Aziz
12.Jasmine Chan Sing Ying
13.Joshua Koid Teck Seng
14.Justin Tan jia Jun
15.Khu Chin Seng
16.Kong Wein Jie
17.Lau Li Wan
18.Lee Jordan
19.Li Jie
20.Lim Pei Shan
21.Lim Xin Yi Jasmin
22.Nabawiiyah Bte Zulkaflee
23.Ng Qun jie
24.Nickey Cheng Wen Xiang
25.Nur Fiqa Bte Mohd Nasir
26.Nurhadi B Abdul Rahman
27.NurHakim B Mohammad Zulkifli
28.Nurul Syuhadah Bte Mohamed K
29.Peggy Tan Pei Qi
30.Shum Si Hui
31.Sim Peck Suan
32.Siti Nazeera Bte Juma'at
33.Syafiq Nor Iskandar B Abdullah
34.Tay Ching Hui Gladys
35.Tay Wen Bin
36.Teo Tze Harn Melanie
37.Tiffany Koh
38.Winna Bte Mohamed Fadir
39.Wong Jun Fai
40.Wong Qi Yan Evelyn
41.Wong YiTing
Speak up everyone.Y

cause WE cannot hear you.

ShoutMix chat widget
Fly Aways. Y

One step at a time.

Our 6F Babys!
♥Angeline F.
♥Evelyn Wong
♥Gladys Tay
♥Ng Qun Jie
♥Peggy Tan


June 2009
September 2009